Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Silence Between Us - Book Review - By Naomi

What’s harder than being the new kid? Being the deaf new kid. 17 year old Maya is starting her senior year across the country and is convinced she’s going to hate it. Maya hasn’t been at a hearing school since she could hear and she’s gotten so accustomed to communicating with deaf or hard of hearing people. Using sign language to communicate was awesome and she could understand everything, however, now she’s going to have to rely on her interpreter and lip reading, which is not going to be easy…

Not to mention how Maya’s schedule is going to get busy. Between completing loads of homework to achieve her goal of working in the medical field and helping her single mother out with her brother who has cystic fibrosis, Maya is in for a really late night. But, she loves her mom and brother, so it should be worth it.

So, maybe Maya will be fine, I mean, aside from making friends, but she doesn’t need any new friends. That is until Maya learns her younger brother is trying to make friends, so perhaps she should as well in order to be a good example for her younger brother. If he can do it with cystic fibrosis, she can do it deaf. And hey, there’s Nina- a nice girl in her grade, one friend should do the trick. Except there’s also Beau… the student body president. To Maya’s surprise, he starts learning sign language and attempting to communicate with her, but Maya isn’t entirely sure what to think. Is it a prank, or is he being serious? Whether it’s his green eyes and dimples or the fact he’s trying, something makes it so Maya can’t help but be somewhat drawn to him… Would a hearing and deaf relationship ever work, though?

This heartwarming and thought provoking story is a 10/10 in my opinion and I highly recommend it.


  1. This sounds like such a fun realistic fiction book to read! Your quick summary definitely got me intrigued in this book! I'll definitely check it out!

  2. This sounds like a great book! I will try to find it soon and thank you for the recommendation!

  3. This book seems very interesting! I love the fact that Maya wants to set a good example for her younger brother by making friends, despite the fact that she's deaf and having a tough time.

  4. Hi Naomi! The Silence Between Us sounds like a really heartfelt book to read. I'll definitely plan on reading this in the near future, thanks for the recommendation!

  5. Hi Naomi! This looks like such a good book. You made me really want to read it, so I'll check it out! I liked your conversational style of writing and how you described the main character. It's both concise but also gives a lot of information at the same time!
